How Artificial Turf Combats Winter Woes

Artificial turf is popular out West due to its ability to stand up to extreme weather conditions, such as dangerous heat waves and droughts. In the Midwest, we don’t exactly see many heat waves, but we do host a different breed of extreme weather: WINTER.
With winter comes the wearisome task of winterization. We weatherproof our houses, put snow tires on our cars, and begrudgingly prepare our lawns for a season of hibernation—something that takes a lot more time, money, and effort than it should.
Because of this, many artificial turf owners and prospective owners are curious about how artificial turf fares in the winter months and if it needs any additional maintenance to protect it from the elements. Here’s all they need to know:
- Artificial turf can withstand extreme fluctuations in weather—including freezing temperatures. Artificial lawns are made to stand up to the elements, with drainage systems guaranteeing that even in the most extreme conditions, the melting of snow and ice won’t disrupt the color or appearance.
- Artificial turf is not going to freeze to the point of becoming brittle and breaking if stepped on like natural grass. As a field owner, this means that your artificial turf field is always up for one more game, even during those late fall playoff games when winter is testing the boundaries of season.
- It’s easy to remove snow from artificial turf. To prevent any damage, be sure to use a plastic snow shovel and avoid using salt to melt snow or ice. While your artificial grass can withstand the use of salt, the resulting residue can inhibit drainage when the spring thaw finally comes.
These are just a few of the reasons are why field owners and homeowners are replacing their real grass with durable, low-maintenance artificial grass, which looks just as green and full in the middle of winter as it does in the middle of summer—regardless of where you live.
Not only can artificial turf hold its own in winter, it can actually make a gloomy, grey Midwest winter more enjoyable with a little imagination and resourcefulness. To remove snow from your lawn, you can cover your artificial turf with a tarp before a light snow or simply shovel it off after the fact to remove snow. Once that beautiful green turf is shining through, you can immediately enjoy your artificial turf in the middle of winter during a parka clad block party or some outdoor playtime with your kids and pets!
If you’re ready to simplify your winterization routine, it’s time to consider artificial turf for your lawn or field. Contact Turfix today if you have any questions—we are experts in our field!